Limb Care


Pacific Cardiovascular & Vein Institute’s Limb Care Program offers a range of advanced and effective treatments and procedures for limb salvage using the latest technique and technology.

While amputation is always a last resort, our surgeons have taken the lead role in understanding how surgery and prosthetics must work collaboratively to give patients the best opportunities to be fitted with prosthetics that work well, are not painful and can return to an active lifestyle. PCVI strives to provide better care for amputees across the rehabilitation continuum.


Preserving a limb is critical to preserving quality of life and independence. PCVI offers a range of advanced and effective treatments and procedures for limb salvage, using the latest techniques and technology. Our vascular surgeons provide aggressive yet carefully targeted interventions that spare tissue, repair damage, and help maintain and restore function in limbs that would otherwise have to be amputated.

The most common reason a lower extremity is amputated is due to diabetes, although vascular disease, trauma, infections can be other causes. Our center physicians and staff are experts at treating patients with limb-threatening conditions. Our approach to healing is aggressive and comprehensive, coordinating traditional and advanced therapies, with a focus on surgery to heal wounds and improve circulation. While not all amputation can be avoided, the World Health Organization estimates that 85% are preventable.

When Limb Salvage is Unattainable: AMPUTATION

It is everyone’s hope that limbs can be saved, but there are times when the pain associated with a severely limited, deformed or damaged limb can be far more devastating than getting on with life with a prosthetic.

The Surgeons at Pacific Cardiovascular & Vein Institute have taken a lead role in understanding how surgery and prosthetics must work collaboratively to give patients the best opportunities to be fitted with prosthetics that work well, are not painful and can return to active lifestyles. While amputation is always a last resort, there are times where a successful amputation lets patients have a better quality of life than living with pain or disabilities of limbs that cannot be repaired.

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